Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington (AACCW) is an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), and is part of a network of 13 AAAs in Washington State. Under the Federal Older Americans Act, AACCW develops an Area Plan which describes services, goals and objectives for our six-county area. AACCW operates and serves a Public Service Area (PSA) that is comprised of Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln and Okanogan Counties. AACCW’s Policy Board is the Council of Governments (COG). One county commissioner from each of the six sponsoring counties serves on the COG. The COG provides a local governing structure for AACCW by assuming responsibility for promoting the development and enhancement of a comprehensive and coordinated service system.
The COG established the AACCW Advisory Committee (AC) to advise on all matters related to developing, administering, planning, coordinating and operating community-based services. Advisory Committee members, five representatives from each of the six counties, serve as advocates, identify needs and explain to the community the functions of and services available through AACCW. AACCW serves as an advocate and focal point for seniors, unpaid family caregivers and vulnerable adults with disabilities.
AACCW provides information and assistance, case management and nurse consultation services directly, and contracts with non-profit and for-profit companies to provide services that assist individuals to stay in their own home. Our Family Caregiver Support Program provides five core service components: access and support, assessment and coordination, supplemental services, respite and services to grandparents and relatives